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Welcome to yapese web site, with your host jimangded wants to share with you some of the special things about Yap.

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How special Yap is

Yap is a small island in the Federated states of Micronesia. In the F.S.M. There are 4 states. Pohnpei,Chuuk,Yap,Kosrae. In this case, Yap has the smallest population in the F.S.M. The yapese always chew betelnut. Yap is the most intriguing island in Micronesia. It is a land steeped in ancient traditions,fascinating legends and peopled by one of the most distinctive cultures in the pacific. Attractions like a manmade seaside men's house,cultural village tours, huge,ancient stone money banks,dancing,handicraft making,marine life and mangrove forest highlight a visit to this unique outpost. Dance is the most advanced art form in Yap. Through dance,legends are passed down,history is recorded and entertainment is created. The dances of Yap are raucous,colorful and well-orchestrated. Men and Women both start at an early age to learn this special Yap tradition. This customary life carries into the village where fishing,sailing and weaving are improtant parts of everyday life. Grass skirts for the women and thuws, a type of loincloth,for the men are the basic grab in the small towns. These communities are nestled into tranquil settings that naturally grace the island.

Yap has a number of small hotels,including the finest dedicated dive resort in Micronesia,that cater to divers,sightseers and those wanting a closer look at the culture. The island's rolling green hills and lush mangroves make Yap a true tropical Eden. These can be seen every day while heading to explore the sea. Or an ocean kayak tour can be arranged to allow visitor to look at these meandering passegeways in a very close and special way. The people of Yap are shy but warm. They don't mind visitors who are respectful and appreciative of their lifestyles. With a little coaxing,the visitor may soon find him or herself helping with a chore,like launching a canoe or weaving a basket to carry coconuts. This special kind of island encounted is not unusual on Yap and is part of the Yapese spirit that makes the island so enciting and enchanting. For the active person,there's plenty to do on land and in the ocean. The visitor can expect to go montian biking,hike on an ancient stone path or try some deep sea fishing as part of the Yap experience. Or,just take a nap under a coconut tree on one of Yap's unspoiled beaches.

Mogethin, Dariy e langad?........Amog dakirpil bu'uw

Yapese web site

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